Knowing the symptoms of an infection, which is indicating the human body of parasites, allowing you to start the treatment in a timely manner, rather than the General poison is in horrible consequences, such as irreversible obstruction of the digestive system, breathing, blood formation. Each year, since the parasitic infestations in the world, unbeknownst to the statistics of the silent kills, more than 1 ml of the of the people. The danes, the health of the people depends only on their personal business. If there are any signs of intoxication of unclear etiology, stick to the modern methods of diagnosis of parasites in an immediate treatment.

How to identify parasites in the human body, if the stool test is considered a mandatory study before the placement Department of Allergology! Only the typical symptoms which indicate infection of a drug, the authority is also in the body of the poison: a sudden vomiting, diarrhea, allergic manifestations, urticaria, rhinitis, the sharp cutting pain in the digestive tract, it is in your head. However, the effect on the body parasites are dependent on the habitat, in-much, much more. Cause Some of them can be a dangerous disease in the leads to a quick death, the other will gradually worsen the quality of life, the poisoning of the body, takes away the power of the people's health. The doctor immediately, as delay of treatment is dangerous severe complications: meningitis, sepsis, peritonitis, intestines, nervous system.
What is a parasite?
A parasite is an organism living in its entirety, at the expense of the other, larger, body. The location of both the ectoparasites that live on the human out, the endoparasites infecting you from the inside out. The species composition of the parasites may be viruses, bacteria, worms, insects in the vertebrates. Parasites, Against which they cannot be regarded as something unnatural. On the contrary, as long as scientists have found out that is where they come from, contracted continuously to the people, which is one of the reasons for the low life expectancy of 1 to 2 centuries ago. Because many of the parasites are so deadly, in some cases, life saving, acting by a qualified medical intervention. In others, the disease may last for decades, parasites cleverly disguised as an angle of an angle of the other of the diseases for the cure of which it is not possible to do it at the time, until you find what you need to eliminate the real cause.
Parasites are Something that you can live in the human
People far from medicine, I think that both are parasites that live inside the human body, just a different kind of fire. In the meantime, there are over 300 species of parasitic micro-to macro-organisms, the theft of the human nutrient of a cell of substances that Deplete the integrity of the walls of the blood within the lymphatic vessels of the organs, the toxicity of the blood. In many species, quiet, in a self-sufficient coexist when they share a living space. With each other do Not interfere, in order to devour the flesh of the blood in the human being, to be the prize of your the sore. Therefore, the detection of worms, it should always contain a text for the presence of pathogenic protozoa.
What is the endogenous "predators" amongst human parasites, of which the most dangerous:
- Not perfect: dizenterina, (E), Nigeria, and acanthameba.
- Trichomonas: the intestines, the vaginal.
- Of Giardia.
- Trypanosoma: Cruz, The Rhodesian, The Gambia.
- Leishmania: donovani, bucks.
- ʙalantidij.
- Toxoplasma.
- Periplasmic.
- Of The Malaria Plasmodium.
- Babesia.
- Ichthyophthirius.
- Flukes: the liver, the lungs, the Chinese cat, lanceolate.
- Fasciolopsis.
- Fluke egipetskaya.
- Metagonimus.
- Shistosoma (blood flukes).
- Lentetsa wide.
- Cepni: a rat, a dog (rare).
- The dwarf, pig, bovine, Asia, and the brain.
- The tapeworm.
- Alveoli.
- Roundworm.
- Pinworms.
- Toxocara (dog).
- Vlasoglavy.
- The intestinal ugritsy.
- Hookworm.
- You Have To Rishta.
- Species Of Trichinella.
- Brugia, Wuchereria.Loa Loa.
- Onchocerca.
- Angiostrongylus.

There is a small part of the parasites to the list that we are living on the earth, that the threat of a dangerous disease of the brain, digestive system, blood circulation, damage to the nervous, hormonal, reproductive, and in the rest of the [spirits of the craft] and physical systems.
The modes of infection of
Carriers of many parasites (the intermediate host) gets the birds, rodents, flies, horseflies, mosquitoes. Animals, domesticated, in the wild, fish. The main source of parasitic infestations when there is a man, the feces, that of parasites, and thus scattered in the soil, the water, the tanks, in the air of the room.
How to download:
- The food way (via GIT), you can get the parasites is contaminated water and food, while ignoring the companies of sanitary ware in the sanitary rules of processing. In, if you don't wash vegetables from the garden, a SIP of water while taking a bath in the river. Eating a half-baked kebab, sushi, made from fresh-water fish (such as the body, it enters the large intestinal protozoa in helminthes).
- Household contact can be infected, if it is not enough to frequently wash their hands. Money Through the, fence to the rail maritime and transport, toys, and household items. Whether through handshakes, kissing an infected person. After contact with the sick animal (the way almost all of the introduction of parasites).
- Vector-borne (by the blood) the method of producing the larvae of the parasites that enter the body after being bitten by flies, mosquitoes, mites, birds, animals.
- Following percutaneous infection occurs when the introduction of larval parasites in the tissue of the mucous membranes and through the skin (the ancistrini, the Systems).
- Aerogenic source of pride, not of the infection by inhalation of the eggs parasites (e.g., Echinococcus).
- Transplacental way – utero transfer of baby parasites (nematodes, Toxoplasma).
- Through sexual contact, is transmitted Trypanosoma, Trichomonas.
- Transfusiona transfer of the operations of the hospital, the poor have the tools.
The main factors contributing to the increased growth of the zarahemla of the people by the parasites as follows: lack of toiletries, the mass consumption of poorly processed foods is in water, the later is the title of doctors, the lack of a proper medical examination.
The symptoms of parasites in humans
Allocate the General signs of an infection in a specific location of the pathogenic micro-to macro-organisms. Parasites as follows:
- Intracellular (cell damage). For example, Toxoplasma gondii, Leishmania, Plasmodium.
- Abdominal: the lives in the mouth iz gut, lung, genitourinary, in other organs. Cepni, pinworm, hookworm, roundworm, lantecy, whipworm.
- Tissues: the living is in the lymph nodes, disease of the blood (of the haemosporida, microfilaria, Trypanosoma). In the striated muscles (trichina, sporidia). The tissues of The brain (Toxoplasma gondii larvae of worms, ribbon, Trypanosoma) in the nerve fiber.
All of that is pretty much the classification of arbitrary, because a lot of parasites, the constant ki by on their way to the various moving bodies of the organisation. You would common symptoms of the infection like this:

- diarrheal disorders: diarrhea, vomiting, flatulence, constipation, pain in the digestive tract;
- allergic reactions: rhinitis, rash;
- the pain in my muscles and joints;
- the appearance of papillomas, condylomas, lipogranulomas, fibrous tumors;
- weight loss, or weight gain;
- diseases of the nervous system: agitation (or lethargy), irritability (apathy), insomnia;
- bruxism (during sleep an involuntary grinding of the teeth are pressed);
- immunosuppression expressed by increased frequency of colds.
Parasites as well as pathogenic viruses, bacteria, fungi, cause infectious diseases. When you are observed, the General symptoms are high fever, sore throat, a head, a stomach, a runny nose, cough, sneezing in the other.
How to determine the presence of parasites
The defeat To which, or to any of the drugs of the organs in the tissue is dominated by the distinctive sign.
In the
The location for the Most pleasant of the life of the parasites in the high humidity, warm temperatures, and the PH of the medium is neutral. The symptoms of injury to the bowel:
- constipation;
- diarrhea;
- bloating;
- intestinal obstruction;
- the pain of the crampy is kind of a pain in the abdomen;
- the reduction in body weight.
- vomiting;
- nervousness;
- the lack of (increase) of appetite.
The man to overcome impotence, fatigue, unwillingness to move around.
In the stomach
If a parasitic infection by the following sign:
- the disadvantage of;
- belching;
- salivation;
- the severity of the bursting of the stomach;
- diarrhea;
- bleeding during a bowel movement;
- itching in the anal region for pinworms;
- cough due to irritation of the neuroreceptors in the stomach.
Of the intestinal the price of the can be sputum from the fraction of the blood.
In the liver

- the pain in the right hypochondrium;
- belching;
- the disadvantage of;
- allergic urticaria;
- yellowing of the sclera, mucous membrane of the mouth in the skin;
- the loss of hair the hair follicles;
- the disadvantage of;
- irritability;
- anemia.
There has been a marked swelling of the legs, in the stomach.
The blood of the
Visible symptoms are:
- fever;
- mark, zoom in to the painful lymph nodes;
- the rash on the body;
- dizziness, pain in the head;
- thirst;
- lethargy, drowsiness;
- shortness of breath;
- poor blood circulation, as referred to in the numbness the cold extremities.
Essential anemia, such as many parasites, that destroy red blood cells.
With the defeat of the heart
Always show a sign of lung in heart failure.
- cough;
- shortness of breath;
- nervousness, strah;
- the disadvantage of;
- the pain in the chest;
- arrhythmia, bradycardia;
- the fever alternate with chills;
- a change in the blood pressure;
- sweating;
- paleness of the face, the neck;
- anemia.
There are signs of hypoxia: cyanosis of the toes, nasolabial triangle, in the mucous membranes of the mouth.
In the mouth
The characteristic symptoms are:
- shortness of breath;
- shortness of breath;
- the attacks of dry night cough;
- asthmatic bronchospasm;
- allergic rhinitis, sneezing;
- the pain in the chest;
- the rapid pulse rate;
- the disadvantage of.

Possible to separate the rare foaming sputum with blood cells.
Under the skin
The external symptoms are:
- small, itchy red rash, swelling, large blisters on the skin;
- sores, abscesses, warts, eczema;
- fever;
- the night sweats;
- a mobile dense tumor areas, both beneath the skin;
- anemia.
Often, an allergic cough, runny nose.
In the eyes of the
Visible symptoms are:
- an inflammation of the conjunctiva, accompanied by a burning sensation in the itchiness;
- the pain in his eyes, the pain when you go to look at the side, up;
- if the particles are of a cloudy strings in front of the eyes;
- dryness of the eyes;
- a blurred object in the editor, split;
- headache, dizziness;
- swelling of the eyelids;
- the shadows under his eyes.
The typical signs of the infection of the worm
Parasitic infections are considered as a group of diseases caused by parasites of various kinds. Penetrating into the body intentionally or at random, a number of the worms destroy the body, in which they are living, in the migration. The result is a disease called parasitic.
You have such hooks, of suckers, which are reinforced in the selected location. These ducts, causing the wound to bleed into the mucous membranes. The larvae move through the tissues of the body, pass into other bodies to live a comfortable position. You can achieve any body that you choose for your life. Thus, it is for iz for the worms of the intestine, which is primarily the age of the majority of the causes of the disease through the blood is found in the liver, lungs, brain, and heart. Consider this, what is the effect of the parasites in the body that causes the symptoms of this presence of a human being.
The syndrome of the stomach into the intestinal discomfort
But you have to reside in the body, they have a different digestive tract. If you violate any of their natural functions. Among the dangerous symptoms of worms:
- bloating in flatulence;
- the constant burden of the pain in various parts of the gastrointestinal tract;
- periodic colic;
- fat stains in the dirt.
Irritable bowel syndrome – is a common accompaniment of the presence of the worms.
Arrest made

The overlap of the major bile ducts the parasites, slowing down the result may lead to obstructive jaundice. In these cases, it usually requires surgical treatment.
The closure of diarrhea of the
Violation of the president as a symptom of a worm infection. Severe diarrhea, alternating with constipation, that have nothing to do with the use of, or the poor quality of the food is poor nutrition. When the overlap of the intestine accumulations of parasites of the parts, which have a mechanical closure. Reference: a special award, some of you have to keep committing a violation of the metabolism of sodium into chloride, which causes diarrhea.
Parasites this Activity can naturally lead to disturbances in the intestinal flora. However, often the symptoms of dysbiosis imaginary, cure, the disease with normal probiotics do more and more.
Lowered immunity
Robbing the carrier of the lion's share of nutrients, you have to disrupt the protective function of the immune system. So as to weaken the body, as a result, people easily fall prey to the infectious diseases of the respiratory system, bowel, a weakened musculoskeletal system, impaired function of the heart, in other organs.
The occurrence of muscle pain in the joints
Check If the the muscle tissues of parasites that can cause pain in the joints, the surrounding tissues. Often, such swelling characteristic of arthritis. In response to the presence of the worms, the body to produce autoimmune antibodies that cause the destruction of healthy tissue.
Fluctuations in body weight
The presence of the parasites, which can lead to the loss of body mass due to a lack of power for the normal functioning of the body. Often, people, an increased body weight, as many believe, the constant hunger, in an effort to make up for the lost nutrients. The constant weight of the swings, sitting in the infection.
Due to the presence of helminths anaemia – lack of haemoglobin in the blood. In the water, not only from the blood loss to cause damage to the mucous membranes of the suction cups to the mouth, but also by disrupting the synthesis of the substance, which is included in the formation of the blood. Ulceration of the mucous does not allow the to absorb the nutrients that are necessary for the normal synthesis of red blood cells from other blood components.
The signs of lack of vitamins in your body can develop at the infected. Disorders of the digestive tract does not allow it to absorb in totally, in addition to this, most of it goes to food, and the worms.
Sleep disorders in the nervousness
The Alien presence of the body, the violation of any of the natural processes. The toxins poison, the influence of the psycho-emotional state. It is Due to intoxication is impaired functioning of the nervous system, the brain, the person becomes restless, are constantly "on the edge", the excitement gives way, not apathy.
Chronic fatigue
Syndrome of permanent tiredness is a result of the poisoning. In the medium reduced the effectiveness of interest in life, and even during the day it is difficult to implement the requirement to collect into the business. Cognitive skills include, in particular, is difficult to reflect all the greater a child's body.
A general weakening of the body, the damage to specific organs may also cause the development of cancer. The loss of immunity, poisoning, hazardous substances, and thus to produced by helminths, the constant stress, the development of the nervous system can lead to tumors.
The differences in the characteristics of the child in the adult
The main features of the development of a worm infection in your body, which is the same for the people [spirits of the craft] of the age. The children also have some of the characteristics of which are determined by the underdevelopment of the body's immune system to be more than an infection of a dangerous adult. Children are thus more exposed to infection by helminths. Does this occur because of the following reasons:
- The Disadvantages of the system of the failure of the body's immune;
- The lack of developed skills of the clean;
- The more common in a careless contact with the animals of the earth, especially of dangerous game, in a sandbox), kids.

Children often become infected with pinworms, the Ascaris, Toxocara. The development of helminthiasis can be traced to the additional symptoms that also appear in adults:
- The more severe the allergic reaction is the symptoms begin. The time for the establishment of parasites, which often do not succeed. They often develop atopic dermatitis.
- Goiter, which is developing very fast. At the first sign of violations of microflora of the child, make sure that you have the presence to take care of parasites.
- The slowdown in growth. An adult person loses weight, the baby ceases to grow normally.
- Lethargy or increased irritability, frequent sights in tears.
- The delay of the psycho-emotional development cognitive development. The child learns to get worse, it will start to lag behind its peers, not only in growth but also in the development of the. It is particularly noticeable in younger children.
For the treatment of diagnosis of any infections in children, it is necessary, in the shortest amount of time possible, so that it develops in the child is normal for their peers.
An allergic reaction
In the process of life of the helminths secrete substances that poison the body as to cause a variety of allergic reactions. Especially a lot of the toxins that are released during the molting of the parasite. A foreign substance that is to be treated of the body's immune system as a threat to the organism, and in the provoke IgE production, which is a sign of an allergy. Injuries of different nature, and difficult to treat. To get rid of them and destroy the maggots in the body, is impossible. Allergies can be a dry cough, worsening of respiratory function.
The problem with the skin, acne,
Depriving the body of nutrients, are parasites, which is caused by a lack of vitamins, minerals. The causes of dermatitis, a lack of moisture in the skin. Also disrupted by the sebaceous glands in the body, which can occur, acne, boils. There is Often a deterioration of the skin, a sign of the presence of the worms.
My In so, so, so, people of the errors they lead a parasitic life-style of those living in the vicinity of the people in the feed on its blood. Bed bug bites may be a painful and irritation of the itching. Parasitosis is turned on for thousands of diseases, so as to identify it visually, without any of the laboratory tests, it is not possible. The process of the treatment depends on the accuracy of the diagnosis, in the identification of the parasites in the very early stages of the infection.
The treatment of
It is impossible to take medicines without the doctor's permission. All of the medications that are used to kill parasites, protozoa, in helminths toxic, not only for themselves, but also for the human liver.
The treatment of helminths
Products In the the choice of advantage of the reason for the medication with a broad spectrum of activity. A wide-ranging preparation is In the range of take away the worms ability to absorb nutrients, to destroy its own cells. To destroy roundworm, pinworm, tapeworm larvae, and in the other parasites. Ki is used for the treatment of teniasis, enterobiasis, hookworm, ascariasis. The trihozefaleza in echinoccosis, the relief of the nematodes, pinworm, whipworm, roundworm, Toxoplasma, and from necator. The doctors decide to hold a drug in accordance with the criteria of the security of people, drugs, depriving the parasites the ability of the metabolic rate in the diet is less harmful to the liver. The drug, paralyzing the worms so toxic in the way much more on the person. The Self-medication pharmaceutical products, prior to the fall.
Favorite recipes
For the children, the women, the care of the infants, the pregnant, the elderly, people devices, eliminating a lot of parasites antiparasitic folk remedies of the media:

- Pear juice, with the pulp of fresh iz a fruit, carrot, juice is recommended to children for the treatment of. Drink 50 ml of the whether the stomach one hour before meals a week, for up to 10 days.
- Pumpkin seeds. Chewing the raw seeds to roasted the stomach, along with the green lake, a skin of the external design with a powerful antihelminthic properties. Your daily dose of 250 to make 400 g of the seeds, and after a couple of hours, the required to drink a laxative pill. The duration of Treatment is 3 to 5 working days.
- The flow of fresh grated lupine pomegranate. A lot of the rind of 1 fruit, pour them with boiling water (250 ml, insist in a thermos for 1.5 hours. Data. The dose of the whether of the stomach, to drink every 4 hours before you sleep is a laxative.
- A decoction of the bark of the buckthorn. 300 ml of water, 3 tsp. chopped raw material. Boil on a low heat for 15 minutes, to insist 2 hours, drain. Image of the day: 30 ml of 5-fold.
- An infusion of the flowers of tansy, in the wormwood. 500 ml of water taken 3 tbsp of the mixture powder of the dried flowers (or fresh weight). Boil 5 minutes, insist to cool. Out. More than 50 ml at a time in the morning, after lunch, in the evening, on whether the stomach of five (5) days.
- The home of the three grades. The collection of the dried powder of equal parts of wormwood, spices and buds, of a business in tansy take 1 tsp 4 times the roasted cocoa of the stomach, during the day, carefully as he ate, and drink the pure water.
- A chain of and. To cleanse the parasites of the body, you will need each and every day in the morning in the evening in the ar whether of the stomach, to eat without salt, in the bread, and 2 to 4 cloves throughout the week.
- Old anthelmintic a miracle of a recipe: to eat in the day, and the salt of the trace of the a large onion. More, until the evening, there is nothing to eat in the drink. You have the evening mass will be the rise of the intestines, the mud iz and the outside.
- Castor oil + spirits. Unique to the Soviet recipe from the past: the mix blend of ingredients, 50:50, gulp a drink instead of dinner. The hours of 3 consecutive nights will get the worms. If you don't, then repeat the treatment for a few evenings.
Parasites are not longer tolerated, red pepper, sorrel, and is therefore to be included in the diet as often as possible. For the prevention the treatment. In addition to this, it is necessary during the treatment to exclude from the daily menu of sweet, fatty foods. Butter, milk, fresh products, preserved foods, in cured meats.
The prevention of
Our almost [made craft] parasites, which are imported from the rest of the world. If you are traveling in a tropical country, you need to consult with the physician in the selection of antiseptics. For the prevention of infection of domestic parasites, it is necessary to observe hygiene rules:
- The washing of hands constantly.
- Rinse the vegetables, the fruits, the boiling of water.
- Do not eat undercooked food: stroganina, a steak with blood.
- You are buying the product in the iz pre-prepared meals stalls, booths, tents.
- Do not swim in an unfamiliar, ponds, the river, the lake.
- Do not walk barefoot on contaminated grass, the sand.
- Do not drink water from natural sources in the water.
- Do not allow children to pet the animals, and in the other, that they come into contact with other people, so for the marginal species.
Parasites so persistent, the girl next door, in the companions of a man. Often, it is not possible to prevent infection. At the first sign of trouble in the body, you will have to help to consult a specialist. The early detection of infection will help to prevent any serious of the body. Take care of yourself, and in your family!